Wednesday, August 20, 2008


The arguments on IMDb Boards regarding racism in movies are:

Dude. The racism you're all pointing at and howling about? Doesn't exist. It's because of you people, bringing up the topic of racism, that these arguments even exist.
What with the war on Twilight boards, the over-popularity of The Dark Knight boards, the Western vs. Asian hoo-ha on Dragonball boards, the inactivity on Avatar boards, the Harry Potter boards' anger at WB for pushing the movie back and the idiot racism arguments EVERYWHERE ...
No message board is FUN anymore.
*closes IMDb window*

Man, sometimes I really hate people on the Internet.
Or maybe just people in general.
Not you people reading this, ya'll are cool.

Ps. No, wait. Hollywood is to blame too. Haha.

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