Saturday, August 23, 2008


Went to eat mee rebus at Plaza Damas just now, and made friends with a little stray cat. Hanna wanted to call it Pancake, Nazim wanted to call it Cheesecake. They later settled with the name Nickname. Y'know, as a nickname? I love their logic, seriously.

And little Nickname followed Hanna all over the place, since that she was the one dropping bits of chicken haphazardly all over the place. And Hanna said:

"He won't stop following me! Haha. It's because he thinks I'm cute."

To which Mama laughed. And Hanna got embarrassed and distracted her by asking, "Why are we still waiting, is it for the satay?"

In other news, I got hit by a dream-piphany. Which is basically my way of saying, I got a dream which sparekd a story idea in my head. And I feel so guilty, because my current SIPUT project is still floundering in many hurried scribblings and incomplete musings while this dream story already has a basic plot and a title. A TITLE. Dear lord. D:

Anyway, I dreamed that I was a boy. My name was Fever (WTFish, brain? 'Fever'? xD). I lived in a pirate ship with my mother, who looks a hella lot like Chandler's transvestite dad in Friends, and my little sister. We're having a party in our pirate ship room below deck, and I have a heart-to-heart with my mother. Then the doorbell rings, and I thought that it was my father, but instead, it was my mother's boyfriend, this real kooky sorta guy with big glasses. But he was a nice guy, seriously.

Then the dream turns into something of a cyber-western action movie. These guys with guns turn up and start shooting everyone, and they hit an eleven year old boy. They steal a bunch of robots (which looked like TVs on wheels) and run off, leaving the town in chaos. I'm not the Fever-boy anymore at this point ... I'm just observing, like a movie viewer. There's this woman, in the classic leather jacket and tight jeans with short hair, following this little hippie lady who could talk to robots. And one of the robots which wasn't stolen was hanging from a fire escape, cooing to itself and saying, "Oh no, I like it here very much, thanks. Whee."

And the dream changes again. I'm sort of watching Fever, who has now somehow transported himself into an alternate dimension, watching this girl building an aeroplane. He helps the girl out, but she can't see him. And I had the feeling that he loved her. That's about when I woke up.

So, yes. Story idea like WHOA, man. I even have a title for it: Dime Trap. I think it has a nice ring to it. :D Doodlings probably in the future. This does not mean I'm abandoning my SIPUT project. Far from it. It's better this way, I think ... my brain was starting to go stale, mulling over the same ideas all the time. This is a breath of fresh air. The SIPUT project will always be my baby. <3>

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