Saturday, July 5, 2008

Stupid Paper Monkey

Nad, thou art most inspiring.
Mehtinks you have an obsession with monkeys, though.

Plans after SPM:
1) Do happy-dance and other random acts of spontaneous glee in the padang sekolah.
2) Throw out every single book related to SPM and school in general outta my room and into the recycling bin.
3) Get started on Unnamed Story Idea Project Thing (which I will now call SIPUT because it's too long.)
4) Have some kind of huge form 5 gathering. I dunno where or when, BUT I WANT ONE.
5) Start them driving lessons.
6) Start rock-climbing again.
7) Look for a job at borders. Or Kinokuniya. Or heck, The Star, The New Straits Times. <--- I agree with Nad's choices. xD
8) Create the ultimate banana split thingy. Iffah and Sophie know what I'm talking about. :D
9) Start scrapbook of high school years. I really wanna do this. :P
And finally,
10)HAVE A BLAST. This should also apply when getting into university/college/whatever.

I tag;
1) Evelyn
2) Laksh
3) Sab
4) Sheren
5) Shifa

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