Saturday, April 26, 2008

Something fishy.

Lookit him, swimming around in his clean tank, all aggressive and smug. D:<

After months of procrastination, I finally cleaned Peach's tank this morning. The water was turning yellow and all. ^^; So I took Peach out of the tank, pop him into the bekas then proceeded with giving everything a good scrub in the bathroom sink. Everything was going well, and I went to look in my cupboard for my supply of old newspaper, when I heard a faint splish sound.

I turn around, and the first thing I see is the bekas, with the water sloshing inside. Silly fish, I think, splashing around ... be patient! Then my eyes drifted over to the space beside it ... and there was Peach, lying motionless on my study table.

I went into panic mode and tried to put him back into the water, but he kept jumping away, messing up the whole table. I kept screaming, "Stupid fish, stupid fish!", because not only was he jumpy, he had really spiky scales. After Peach had jumped around the table a total of three times (it felt like eternity to me) I finally got him back into the water.

I worked like a maniac after that, moving faster because I was scared he would jump out again. Everytime he started splashing, I'd spin around in panic. Mama came into the room and called out, "Sara!" And I practically jumped out of my skin, I was so paranoid.

Seriously, I've never been so jumpy in ... I can't remember.
Here's the newspaper I used to cover up the table. It was completely wet afterwards, as was my floor. Gah, good thing I don't have to clean his tank for another month or so.

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