Saturday, May 17, 2008

Onwards to battle, ladies and gentlemen ...

"No moshing"?

Well so much for that warning.
I'm pretty glad nobody smoked inside the hall myself. :D

So yes. BotB. Never been to one before, today was my first. First thing I noticed upon setting foot on school grounds: everyone (nearly everyone) was wearing black. WTFish, people. xD I know black makes you look slim and all, but it stops oozing the cool factor when everyone wears it.

I was wearing red myself. Nad's tuition-buddy Andrew was wearing red too, so we were red-buddies. Speaking of which, yes, Nad, your tuition-buddies are indeed awesome cool people. :D

Anyway, the overall thing was OK - the weirded sound system killed it a little for me ... we could hear the guitars and drums, but could barely make out the lead singers. Kinda disappointing. And no moshing? No fun, if you ask me. I've never moshed before, but heck, it looks like fun.

Looks like fun, Sara? Hang a second, what happened to the 'no moshing' rule? Well ... it got scrapped. xD Basically, it started with these two guys dancing like crazed idiots in front of the stage. Then there were three. Three bands later, there was a small group, crashing into each other like water molecules (science-reference, whee). Then there was a bigger group, doing the can-can together.

Apparently, they got 'escorted out'. Poor things.

After the 'ten-minute break', things went wild. When the band started playing (can't remember which one it was) a whole group of guys leaped up and started to dance; I was at the very edge of the crowd, and it was bedlam, I tell you. More people started crashing into the makeshift mosh pit, and people were bouncing off each other, there were cameras flashing, people screaming, and the band howling away in the background. One dude got on a chair and started waving his guitar over the crowd's heads. Then one guy started crowd-surfing. A second guy followed him, and he tumbled off at one point, poor dude. He looked like he was gonna pee his pants.

It was the wackiest piece of fun I've ever seen in my life. I told everything to Acu (it's her birthday btw ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACU!) and she laughed and said that the moshing sounded like something out of a comedy movie.

Well, comedy's gotta come from somewhere, and I'm sure most scriptwriters are inspired by real life. I can see clearly now! *dramatic music*

Ps. Don't speak of Narnia: Prince Caspian to me. I can't watch until the holidays. Dx
Ps2. I just watched all existing episodes of Gossip Girl. All I can say is: *incoherent squeaks and blabbering*
Ps3. I am a weak human being who read the Avatar spoilers. D:

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